Candle In The Wind

A decade after the tragic demise of Princess Diana, an inquest into the cause of her death has begun last October. The Harrod boss Mohamed Al Fayed, father of Diana's boyfriend Dodi, has alleged that it was a murder plot orchestrated by the British secret security services MI6.

The inquest lasted six months, heard 250 witnesses, and cost the taxpayers an estimated GBP 10 million. The jury returned verdict, by a majority of 9 to 2, that Princess Diana and Dodi were 'unlawfully killed' in the Paris crash which happened more than ten years ago as a direct result of grossly negligent driving, and hounding by a pack of paparazzi.

According to the latest news, Al Fayed has apparently accepted the verdict and has abandoned all legal attempts to prove otherwise. He went on to say that he will leave the rest to the God to get his revenge. Umm, 'the God?' Did he mean Allah? ... and revenge somemore?... Was he saying that his God won't forgive? Oh, Mr. Al Fayed, your far-reaching, preposterous conspiracy theories has been put to rest, your counsels have run out of alternatives, you might as well face the reality and leave your two loved ones to rest in peace.

I sincerely hope that this verdict will end the myth/speculation about Diana's death. Enough is enough. The whole thing was incredibly intrusive! Much of her life has come into public domain. The inquest had seen more twists and turns than a best-selling crime novel. It also saw Diana's memory dragged through the gutter, down the drain and into the sewer, with open discussions about some of the most intimate areas of her life. In many instances , it re-awakened much painful and personal memories.

Princess Diana has been the most iconic women of the 20th century. She touched my life from the first time that I ever laid eyes on her. From the shy kindergarten teacher in Knightsbridge, to the wedding of the century in St. Paul's Cathedral, to the birth of Prince William and Harry at St. Mary's Hospital, to the charities she attended all over the world. In a small way, I felt connected to this beautiful soul. She is truly unique, extraordinary and irreplaceable.

Now, with the truth unveiled, the England's rose can finally rest in peace.