Unfortunately, with mom's condition, I could not meet her at Starbucks over a Frappucino nor go out for some sushi/sashimi to satisfy her cravings for Japanese. I was delighted that she turned up at my place, all the way from Seremban, armed with lots of goodies and prezzies for me and the kids.

The "Passion Fruit" happens to be mine as well as my daughter's favourite line from the Body Shop. Thanks, Angie. Luv it!!
Amongst other goodies like the Korean Ginseng Tea, the honeycombed cookies, there were also slices of yummy cakes from Secret Recipe.
Thinking back, we used to sit around the facing-bricked fireplace during winter nights, decked in our usual thick woolies and track pants, sharing stories and exchanging gossip over morsel of Mr Kiplings' apple pies and cups of warm hot chocolate. Or during summer, we would be sitting outdoor, on the dewy lawn of my MIL's place in Slough, watching the kiddos playing and chasing each other, over Marks and Spencer's chocolate eclairs and a pot of English tea.
A decade on, we too, sat outdoors, under the shade, in the breeze, over shits and giggles about our unglamorous lives, our inner rebellious self staging ahead for a real battle, more stories unfolded, more secrets revealed.

Friends Forever
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