Sanctury In The Garden


Step into my garden

Step in and you'll see

A measure of peace

And tranquility

It's the secret of the blossoms

The buzz of the bees

The sweet song of birds

And they sing in the trees

The sweet scent of roses

Their petals so new

As they glister and sparkle

With the fresh morning dew

Run your toes through the grass

Beneath a canopy of trees

Hear the rustle of leaves

As they blow in the breeze

Let the beauty of springtime

Fill your soul with great peace

Take it with you and share it

With each one you meet

(poem by G. O'neal)

With troubled thoughts lately? Come, enter ....

The Garden Lifestyle Store and Cafe at I Utama Shopping Centre

What flower are you?

Spot on!! I am a June baby and my favourite flower happens to be Rose!

The Set Lunch Menu, either Western or local delights

Chicken chop with a name that escapes me. Sorry for the sequence of the food pix, I know they are jumble up, but can't bother to switch them round.

Joshie baby is "eating over mountain"

Beef in Spring Onion and Ginger Rice

Green pea and pumpkin soup

Spaghetti Cabonara

Lazy to upload so many pix, eventually did some collaboration and ended up with these collage.

Verdict : Food not that impressive, overpriced drinks. Just go for the relaxing ambiance.


Hillary said...

I went there, The Garden! with my son 3 weeks ago and bought some flowers! Even though the food and drink is so so, the environment is so refreshing!
And your photos are so good!

Jaclyn said...

I heard about it from my friend's blog, will try to visit.

Your photos are awesome!