Ain't He Cute?


They started with Singlish, and we Malaysians, being the "anak of Bolehland" came up with Manglish. I guess my friends in the foreign land were perplexed over what I was babbling about.

Well, according to Wikipedia, Singlish is an English-based creole used in Singapore whereas Manglish, receives more Malay influence, is the version used in Malaysia. The vocabulary of Singlish/Manglish consists of words originating from English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, Hakka, Tamil, Bengali, Punjabi and to a lesser extent various other European languages, laced with elements of American and Australian slang. In short, it is a Singapore-/Malaysia-accented form of English. However, educated Singaporeans/Malaysians are able to code-switch between Singlish/Manglish and standard English.

So much of Singlish/Manglish, but have you come across WINGLISH?

Well, Winglish actually stands for White-boy's Singlish/Manglish. Er?? Watch this!

Ain't he cute? Love him, just want to take him home.


Hillary said...

Ain't we proud being a Malaysian... MALAYSIA BOLEH!!! APA?