Childish Behaviour and Nutty


I felt totally disgusted.

Never have I witnessed such childish behaviour from an adult with such disrespect and rudeness to other people. Instead of carrying out his humble little duties, he makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments towards those who are simply kilometres more superior than him.

He seems to believe he is entitled to get his own way, he therefore feels free to abuse anyone who thwarts his desires. Supposed to be a respectful professional, but he is so immature to believe that having such power gives him the right to treat others the way he likes. Not to mention his bad command of English and the constant usage of obscene words.

On top of that, he is such an attention junky who wants all eyes and ears focused on him. This behaviour is actually rather pathetic, since it usually reflects a deep-seated lack of self-worth and self-confidence, may be as a result of an unhappy childhood or a broken marriage. If the person is a smart aleck because he feels isolated or unloved, he may actually work harder at being a smart aleck if he feels ignored.

I doubted that his ratio of estrogen to progesterone sways too much one way or another. So far, I think the only missing juvenile antic from him would be inserting whiteboard markers up his nostrils. Well, having said that, I wouldn't put my money on him!

So much about my rav. Carried out a thorough excavation into my kitchen cabinet and found half a bottle of peanut butter and half a bottle of Nutella which were both near the used-by-date. No choice, I altered a basic muffin recipe and came up with this variation:

Peanut Butter and Nutella Muffins

Imagine when it is straight out of the oven and it is still warm. Sink your teeth in the lava-like filling... ooooh

Ultimate Bliss!