Every Month Holds A Miracle

What do I know about stem cells? Well, stem cells can be used to repair damaged tissues because they have the potential to become any cell in the body. The benefit can also be passed on to family members who are genetically related. With my limited medical knowledge, this is all I know. Relatives and friends who have gave birth in recent years have all opted to collect and store their cord blood stem cells. I did not have the privilege of collecting the cord blood stem cells while delivering both my babies coz technology was not that advanced at the material time.

Recently, I have been reading and hearing so much about this new discovery and medical breakthrough. The medical scientists in Japan discovered that life saving stem cells can be found in menstrual blood. These self-renewing stem cells have demonstrated great promise for future cellular therapies.

The distinctive features of menstrual fluid cell versus other type of stem cells is the ability of a woman to collect them for perservation every time she has a menstrual period.

Companies in the States have conducted researches and have since launched patented collection kit for menstrual fluid cells. According to them, it is easy to use and it helps women to collect, process and cryo-preserve the menstrual fluid cells for potential future use in clinical regenerative medical therapies.

However, this is still fairly new but definitely sounded interesting. It is definitely more convenient than collecting cord blood stem cells. However one still have to pay annual fees for the preservation of these cells.

So, do not moan and groan everytime your Dai Yee Mah pays you a visit as it is no longer an unsanitary waste but is precious and useful in cellular therapies.


Anonymous said...

Hi Van,
Its an eue opener for me, good job!

Anonymous said...

Hello Vaneeza,
I am interested to learn abt this...thanks for sharing
