Roadblock on a Monday Morning

Already suffering from blues on a Monday morning, I couldn't believe my eyes when faced with police roadblock while approaching Jln. Parlimen. Damn! It is a Monday morning! Everyone is rushing to school and work. And it was bearly 6.30am! Senseless or what?

I was forced to divert, went round half of KL, wasted half a tank of 'precious' petrol before I could safely wheel my two kids to school, albeit late. Spotted police at corners of kakilima around Sogo area. What was going on? I was blur coz I didn't catch the news last night.

Then the traffic news came on the radio. Police are setting up roadblocks on several routes leading to KL. A possible debate of no confidence against the PM might happen in the House today. The close of Jln. Parlimen is to deter people from entering and witnessing the debates.

Oh, great! The people house will be closed...ahem, to the people. Anyway, no comments.

Why roadblocks? Why on a Monday morning? Why can't they just block that small road leading up to the Parliament?

Chaos, traffic jams... on a Monday morning.