A Bunny Deery Horsy Goodtime

Little ones just love animals. Especially real and up-close. Even my teenage girl and my ten year-old son squealed with delight when we visited the Animal Park in Berjaya Hills during the last school holiday.

In the Rabbit Farm, there were more than a dozen of rabbits belonging to different breeds.

They were cuddly and soft, have tails and ears to pull on, and fur and face to grab. They became instant playmates to my two kids.

Next stop was the Deer Sanctuary.

Shy, elusive, beautiful white spotted deer, originated from Holland. But they were such a lazy bunch hiding in the shades, couldn't really get close to them to take pictures. Well, proceeded to the Pony Stable.

There were half a dozen of ponies in the stable, of different breeds. Compare to horses, ponies generally have shorter legs, wider barrels, thicker neck, shorter heads and broader foreheads.

Beauty and the ponies.

Gosh! Look at that! I just asked them to pose for me, and they happily obliged! Who said ponies are stubborn and devious? I think they are intelligent and friendly.

This one obviously was very fond of my son.

Has he spotted something interesting? Found a piece of gold?

Yukes! Gigantic creepy crawly! Let's run!