Heartbreaking ...


Sunday night. Caught the late headlines : A tragic sight. School dragon boat capsized off shore of Penang. A teacher and a youth drowned. Four other youths aged 16 to 17 still missing.

Couldn't sleep. Praying for the victims' and the missing youths' families.
Swallowed some cough mixture that eventually put me to sleep.

I was deeply saddened to awake to the news on my facebook feed that all of the missing four boys didn't make it.

For a mother like me who has kid the same age as the five youths who perished in the tragedy, it is indeed very, very hard to endure.

Flipping thro' the papers, seeing the trauma of the victims' parents (I dare not watch any of those youtube clips uploaded by journalists), I felt so cold and helpless.

Obviously, a lot of things have gone wrong that had led to this. So many questions, so many doubts. An inquiry must be conducted and relevant authorities must provide explanation. But for now, what we can do is to offer support to the families.

My heart goes out to the families and give them strength to move on.

For the six beautiful souls that have gone to heaven, RIP.