Not At All Inspired


Yes, I know, I haven't been updating my blog as often as I used to. Not that I was superly busy or bogged down with work, I was just ... er ... darn lazy. Or should I re-phrase it to 'I was not at all inspired lately or I experienced brain freeze.'

Glance around my living room, it certainly needs some sorting out to be carried out. I need a new settee, a glass cabinet to house my son's trophies and medals, some new curtains, perhaps. I just couldn't drag my feet to go to the furniture mall.

The year end school holiday will be starting next week, I have not booked nor planned for a vacation, be it locally or overseas. Even though I have booked the air tickets to Taipei for this coming January, I have yet to plan for the trip, i.e. excursions and hotel accommodation etc. Not to mention to register my kids for holiday programmes.

Both my daughter's and my notebook have passed its useful life. I have yet to carry out any research on the various choices available in the market. Bearing in mind that to benefit from the tax exemption, I have to basically 'move fast'.

My mobile phones have also passed its age. I am eyeing the iPhone and the Blackberry. Wonder when I will physically go to purchase them, ..umm, before they eventually phased out, I guess.

I have been cooking and baking quite a lot, but reluctant to take out my DSLR to capture what I have cooked/baked. Even I have managed to take some pics using my point-and-shoot camera, I was lazy to transfer them to my notebook. Excuse being, my notebook is seriously exhausted, might as well wait until I have got my new notebook. Another Catch 22 situation!

It has been months I haven't been to the malls to do retail therapy. Gosh, This cannot be me!!!

Almost everyday, I have something to do or somewhere to go. I spent a lot of time sending/fetching the kids to and from school/activities. All these errands do suck up my energy and time.

All in all, I am just ... NOT INSPIRED. No mood to do anything.

This is what we had for dinner last night. Simple chicken curry with rice. Ha, I did throw in some nachos to fill the plate.

You see what I mean? Absolutely pathetic!


Hillary said...

Here's what I do.....keep a pet - I have a big Golden Retriver named Charlie - take him for walk....good!
I am pretty much a 'lonely' person, reason being I have a son, no daughter:-)

You are a real woman - extremely smart, knowledgable and energetic!