Passed by the handicraft shop at Subang Parade last week. Yvonne has put up some lovely knitted garments on the mannequins. Just love those yarn! I haven't been knitting nor crocheting for quite sometime now. I used to patronise this handicraft shop twice a week, during that two hours while waiting for my girl undergoing her badminton training. I would normally join those ladies, sitting round the big table, knitting, crocheting and chit-chatting away.
I love knitting as well as crocheting. I learnt the basics from my mom during my primary school days. I vividly remember my first knitting project being a bright red woolly hat with a pom-pom. I then proceeded to crocheting and ended up doing a vest using a beige colour yarn with glittery bits.
When I was pregnant with my girl, I was fascinated by those knitted baby garments pictured in the Mother and Baby magazines. There, happened to be two craft shops in Holborn, just walking distance from my office. I bought myself a Knitting A-Z Guide and some pattern leaflets and immediately embarked on my knitting projects. From then on, I have been churning out tiny baby cardigans, jumpers, mittens, gloves etc all in pastel colour yarn. I liked doing baby stuff coz they are irresistable, chic, tiny, use less yarn and quicker to complete. I even received orders from friends and relatives.
My knitting passion gradually died down after I moved back to K.L. Then, in 2006, I picked up this hobby again after stumbling upon this wonderful craft shop in Subang. Then, for months, I was on a knitting freak... until the time I have to force myself to stop. Why? Coz the yarn are darn expensive and I couldn't afford anymore. A sleeveless top with cotton yarn can easily cost RM500 and a light cardigan can cost a whooping thousand ringgit!
Sad. But I still enjoy browsing through those knitting fashion magazines from Japan and occasionally rummaging through my collection of knitted garments.
Here is one of my favourite, a glittery pullover, which I have given it to my dear friend Tiara as a birthday present. The body itself is knitted whereas the collar and the arm edge is crocheted.

This garment is stunning. I love the shape and style. The yarn used is beautiful. Hope to see more of your work in the future.
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