My Sausage Buns


Since two days ago, my car was having much difficulties climbing up ramps, or even surfaces with slight gradient. I wondered why? Only then I realized the major servicing of my car was loooooong overdue. I only phoned in last week to fix a date for this week. To be safe, I thought I better stay put at home and not going into the office, excuse being the ramp leading up to the car park of my office block is darn steep and I doubted my car could make it.

Umm... not bad lazing at home on a Monday morning. Finished watching all the installments of the drama series on Astro-On Demand, I was getting bored and agitated. Suddenly the thought of having homemade buns was roaring in my mind. Checked my kitchen cabinet. Yes! the ingredients needed to bake buns were waving at me. But then, what about fillings of the buns? I had only a couple of sausages left in the freezer and have run out of stocks for pork/chicken floss. Well, I supposed I could do with some sweet filling buns instead of savoury ones by using Nutella and kaya.

Mixing the dough was easy. But when it came to kneading the dough, I wished I could lay my hands on a heavy duty mixer or a bread machine. I gave up after a solid 15 minutes of continuous kneading in a boiling hot kitchen, no joke! Then I covered the dough and left it for proofing. Only that I realized the weather had suddenly turned breezy and cold. What the heck!!!

After an hour of proofing, my bread dough had almost doubled in size despite the temperature. Punched out the gas and let them rest for another 15 minutes. I divided the dough into 10 portions and stuffed in the fillings. I ended up with some sausage rolls, sausage twists, kaya buns and chocolate buns. Another hour of proofing was required before shoving them into the oven.

A mere 15 minutes later, TaDa, here comes my buns.

The sausage twist could do with some rosemary sprinkle or cheese. Was I too generous with the egg wash glazing? Come to the texture, they weren't as soft as those on the shelves of Bread Story or Bread Talk. Considering the fact that I was not in possession of a bread kneading machine and did not add in any bread improver or softener, I was happy with the result.

I find breadmaking quite therapeutic considering the time required for repeated proofing and resting of the dough. I thoroughly enjoyed this session.