Am I Happy?


Happiness is believed to be one of the most important criteria for good health. However, how to be happy?

Obviously, we gain happiness when we are satisfied. Sometimes a simple satisfaction is good enough to make a lady smile.

It seems women are easily satisfied. I suppose that is the reason why women generally live longer than men.

Normally she will be happy when:

1) Her loved one says "I love you".

2) Her loved one gives her presents.

3) She goes shopping.

4) Her juniors hug or kiss her.

5) She has savings in the bank.

6) Someone says “You are so young and beautiful”.

7) Someone says ” You have a good husband or boyfriend”.

8) She adds new decorative items into her house.

9) Someone says ” You kid(s) is lovely or intelligent”.

10) She sees flowers.

Needless to say, I, as a woman will be much happier if I get a chance to be put up in six star Presidential Suite, chauffeured driven in luxurious car, wear designer clothes, carry a Hermes Birkin, slip on a Jimmy Choo and live in a bungalow with beautiful garden and big swimming pool.

Of course, I can live without all these luxuries. But, who doesn’t like to be pampered like a princess?


My work these two weeks involve the reviewing of a counter-claim against an unscrupulous contractor, in relation to the supply and installation of electrical services to a shopping podium and tower blocks. For days, I have been straining my eyes reading sheets after sheets of schematic drawings, wiring diagrams, shop drawings, site photographs, etc.

Now that whenever I close my eyes, I can still see tangles of cables running endlessly in the air, be it Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated Cables, Steel Wire Armoured Cables, Mineral Insulated Cables, Impregnated Paper Insulated Cables or Fire Rated cables. I can see nothing else!! They even came into my dreams, turning ALIVE and started creeping in all directions! When I opened my kitchen cabinet in search of ingredients for dinner, I saw cables and cables! Oops, hang on, those are not cables, but fettucini, spaghetti and angel hair. WTH. I remember reading from somewhere that the most practical technique to overcome a phobia is to relax, calm down and gradually FACE the object/situation.

Well, that's is just what I am going to do. I am going to cook this cable-like thingy for dinner and gobble it all down.

Voila! See what I've churned out - Egg Fettucini and Chicken in Carbonara Sauce

Carbonara, an awesome, traditional Italian sauce that majority of you will not say 'No' to it, right? This is a simple dish to make but tremendously sinful, considering the amount of cream added.

Well, the more sinful it is, the more I love it.

Only If ...




編曲:Johnny Yim


男:尚未學會怎麼開口示愛 並沒自信恍惚早知大概
女:等 無論被誰愛 面對你感覺 我也知道你是我心愛

*男:樹下是我翻開手中日記 落葉密佈草地心想著你
女:等 從來沒離棄 就當我希冀 也許總有暗號要推理

合:我們原來心裡也在意 既無台詞只怪我大意
合:沒情話再試一次 就吐盡我 自己心事

合:既然從來主角也熱熾 既然從來心裡也在意

合:若然是對我關注 如你在意 是否真事